Mothers Foundation / Missions

 Missions of Mother Foundation

1. Familiarize society, especially young individuals with the concept of motherhood, with an emphasis on the cultural and social values of motherhood as God’s sacred creation.

2. Define the importance of mother’s role in the society.

3. Highlight society’s responsibility towards the vital role of mother.

4. Teach young women the responsibilities of motherhood and teach their children respect and appreciation towards their mothers.

5. Establish a center to support mothers in cultural, social, judicial, medical, spiritual, and familial issues and problems. 

6. Provide education from kindergarten through university level.

7. Convene a biannual ceremony to select and honor the most distinguished mother to be held on October 3rd.

Charter of Mother Foundation

1. Mother Foundation is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) and is not affiliated with any organization, political party, or interest groups. No political activity is permitted or encouraged.

2. Discrimination based on color, race, ethnicity, language, belief, sexual orientation, or religion is prohibited by Mother Foundation.


Criteria for Selecting the World’s Distinguished Mothers

  1. A distinguished Mother must have been a good child for her parents.

  2. A distinguished Mother must have been a good spouse, loyal, kind, empathetic, partner and be a true companion for her husband.

  3. A distinguished Mother must have carried out her duties efficiently towards her children, especially in terms of educational, spiritual, social and taking responsibilities. 

  4. A distinguished Mother who lives anywhere in the world must have been a good citizen, well-behaved and be a role model for others. 

  5. A distinguished Mother in her personal/family/social life must have done something special and had a positive impact on society.

May Mother’s prayers always be with you

Gholamreza Mohammadi

Founder & CEO